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Embodied Joy: 10-Week Journey with the Book of Joy

A 10-Week Journey Through the Pillars of Joy


Do you ever feel as though your joy has been snatched away by fear or anger? By the actions of others? By the deep grief of the world around us

What if you had a reliable, embodied pathway back to the deep joy that is your Center, your birthright?

Joy is happiness that does not depend on what happens. Many traditions, including the system of Reiki from it's Japanese origins, hold that Joy is at the heart of our Original Nature, and each of us has the capacity to remember and embody Joy as our True Self. And yet in the challenges, pains and distractions of our lives, we can so often feel disconnected from Joy, as if it is a rare and fleeting experience.

But we do not have to live without Joy, even in the midst of life's great difficulties

Two of the greatest spiritual leaders of our time, the Dalai Lama of Tibet and Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa, gifted the world with The Book of Joy, an indispensable resource on the study of Joy, and a collection of teachings and accessible practices, across the Eight Pillars of Joy and Eight Obstacles to Joy, to consistently embody Joy in our lives

NOTE: Class Bundle “Grief & Joy are Sisters”: This class is offered as a series with our January class “Grieving Well”. See payment options below

Each class will be a deep-dive into one Obstacle and one Pillar, with expert guidance through practices proven powerfully effective for accessing the deep well of Joy within each of us, clearing away that which muddies the waters of this well. These 8 sessions will be book-ended with an opening and closing session, to complete our 10 week journey

Since it’s publication in 2016, I have drawn on this remarkable text as my teacher, and as a guide to inspire my work with others to remember the wholeness of their True Selves. I feel these teachings alive deep inside me, and am excited to lead us through this journey

You will receive:

  • 10 live 2-hour sessions with expert teaching and guidance through this rich material

  • Video recordings of each session, to review

  • Videos guiding you through each of the practices we use in class so that you can practice them on your own any time

  • Additional materials to inspire the journey

Format: We’ll gather over Zoom, link provided upon registratio

Investment: Embodied Joy Journey is offered at a sliding scale. The actual cost of the class is $375. Tickets listed below that price are discounted and are limited. Select a discounted ticket if paying the full price would represent a hardship for you

*3-month payment plan available

  • Up to 12 tickets are available at $375

  • 3 tickets are available at $325

  • 1 ticket is available at $245

  • Class Bundle: This class is offered as a series with our June and September classes Grieving Well. Take $25 off each class when you register for both. Use coupon code TAKE25 to register for each.

  • Pay-it-Forward Price: $395 (to support scholarships

Financial Accessibility Options:

  • Job Loss Scholarship: Pay-what-you-can scholarship for anyone who has had a job-loss in your household due to federal cuts. To claim this option, please email me for instructions at

  • PAYMENT PLAN OPTION: You have the option to pay over a 3-part payment plan if that makes the class more accessible to you. If you'd like to use this option, select the Payment Plan ticket; this will charge $100 now, and you'll receive 2 invoices emailed 1 month apart.

Feel free to reach out with questions to