“[Crisis] is where change begins because the juncture is so critical it creates the impetus for change. However, change can take many directions and ways. At the timeplace when we finally look up, gaze on the horizon, which horizon will we see, which horizon will we move toward?””
The uncertain, chaotic times we are living in right now are bringing us many layers of discomfort, as we navigate loss, grief, shifting social and political foundations, and deep uncertainty about what our short and long-term future will hold.
Yet many spiritual leaders and change-makers, including myself, assert that within this chaos there is great possibility for profound and necessary change, for the clearing out of deeply entrenched social illnesses, and the chance to consciously choose the future we wish to leave to the seven generations that will follow us.
The gulf between what we are experiencing now, and the beautiful world we wish to live in, to leave to our children, is wide. It creates a Tension of Opposites that at times can seem too great to bear.
Do you need support in learning to process and diffuse this complexity and discomfort of these times, so that you can more clearly see the horizon that leads to the world you want?
In this gathering we will:
Create space to tell the truth about the discomforts we are experiencing, so that we feel less alone,
Learn powerful, accessible practices, drawn from the system of Reiki and backed by systems theory, to help us emotionally, physically and spiritually process and diffuse the pain and tensions we are experiencing,
Finally, with more room for possibility created inside of us, we’ll engage a Story-Casting ritual, designed to help us focus our attention on the horizon that leads us to the world we want to live in, and to begin articulating that world in detail.
NOTE: This is the launch to a new free monthly gathering, the Story-Caster’s Loom, where we will dream, story and commit together. Learn more here.
Here are the details, and read on for more context:
When: Wednesday, April 2nd, 4-6pm Pacific Time
Where: Live on Zoom (link provided at registration)
Investment: Offered on a sliding scale of $45 - $75 (actual price)
All growth, change, healing or transformation involves some form of discomfort (just ask a butterfly). It is a necessary part of change, and it is also an unavoidable aspect of living in difficult times. There are times when the best way forward requires that we stay in our discomfort rather than avoiding or numbing it.
But we live in a tremendously discomfort-averse society, one that promises that we are entitled to comfort at all times—as long as we can pay for it.
In order to see ourselves through to the Beautiful World that is Being Born in These Times, in the decaying wreckage of the Great Beast that is dying, we must have practices that help us stay engaged in the midst of discomfort, to make room within us for the many challenging and conflicting experiences that come our way, including the deep discomforts that await us when we seek to deepen community alliances.
As my friend and astrologer, Caryl Nunez councils, is helpful to remember that discomfort is not merely a sign of breakdown; it is also a generative site where deeper forms of connection can emerge. When a room crackles with the electricity of collective sadness or anger, we are reminded of the very real traumas that underpin our desires for liberation. Rather than rushing to soothe or repress these moments, we might dwell in them long enough to transform them. That alchemical process requires accountability and vulnerability, sustained by a commitment to active listening and consent.
Let’s us grow, dream, and raise our eyes to the clear horizon together.