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The Story-Casters' Loom: Weaving Our Stories of the Far Horizon

No child thinks about fiction and imagination and what’s real and what’s not. They’re just in that permeable world... To be in that state of the fruitful beginner’s mind is the exercise of telling the future story in concrete terms, and in which thriving is the fiercest possibility.

Is rooted imagining... not, ‘Oh, in my dream, I imagine, and now awaken to the reality.’ It is casting our dreams forward into reality.
— Norma Kaweloku Wong, Zen Priest, Activist & Advisor to Hawai'i State Legislature
At the timeplace when we finally look up, gaze on the horizon, which horizon will we see, which horizon will we move toward?
— Norma Kaweloku Wong, Zen Priest, Activist & Advisor to Hawai'i State Legislature

A free monthly circle to weave our stories of the future we wish to see grow from these times of disruption. To look towards the horizon with Imagination, Courage & Clarity

Significant parts of our society are crumbling, dying, preparing to compost. It is a frightening, unpredictable time. It can be so easy and understandable to focus our attention on the chaos, fear, pain, the shock-and-awe tactics being thrown at us in order to distract us from the fact that the Beast of patriarchal, white supremacist culture is in it’s death throes.

Something new will be born from this, a new world will be built. What form it takes depends on where we focus our attention.

Where our attention goes, so goes our destiny

What if we chose to focus our attention on the openings present in the chaos? On the beautiful world that could grow from the compost of the Beast that is dying? Everything that has been created by humanity was first birthed into someone’s imagination.

Let’s do this together

Supported by community, and by practices that help us regulate our nervous systems and navigate the discomfort of telling a beautiful story about the future when our present feels so lost, at this monthly free gathering we will:

  • Drop into community together through embodiment practices

  • Be led through sensory visualizations designed to evoke in our imagination specific details about the world you wish to live in

  • Weave all of these stories together through a ritual circling process

  • Create space to hold the discomfort and other challenging feelings caused by the tension between our current reality and the world we long to create

  • (Need a place to grieve the losses of these times? We’ve got you. Learn more here)

Here are the details, and read on for more context:

When: Every second Wednesday of the month, 10-11am Pacific Time (starting with a 6-month experiment, which will continue if folks want it to!)

Where: Live on Zoom (link provided at registration)

My Investment: This offering is free to join, as my investment in our collective well-being and future.

Some More Context:

Everything that has been created by humanity was first birthed into someone’s imagination.  Every transformed future lived into was first a story dreamed and spoken by courageous people who were born for the times in which they lived. Who cast their stories into the future through their actions.

We have the opportunity—now, in this moment, and again and again as we move from here—to dream into the beautiful world that is emerging from the ashes of the Fallen Tower, even as the Beast’s terrible death throes still shake the Earth.  This is also the opportunity to allow these dreams to focus and guide our actions moving forward, just as a vision board helps to guide the actions we take in service of our personal goals.

To be clear, this is not an exercise in toxic positivity, we are not here to “good vibes” over the very real dangers and problems we face, nor distract us from the hard work ahead of us.  This is a recognition that if we ONLY focus on these challenges, on the enormity of this moment, we are far more likely to feel afraid and overwhelmed, to remain in reactivity instead of proactivity creativity, and to align our actions with despair rather than with joy and possibility.  We must be able to see, to feel, what we wish to experience in the world, so that we can be it. 

And so I’m going to invite you into a tender, perhaps frightening and vulnerable practice: To dream and story-cast together about the beautiful world that is even now taking root in our hears and in the world.