Weaving Webs of Connection in Times of Fear


Hello, fellow traveler, how is your heart today?  I ask because there is a lot of heaviness in the field right now, things happening on the American political stage that can feel frightening and overwhelming, that are shedding light on the fragility of our democracy.  These happenings can feel very far away from our daily lives, and yet have the potential to impact our day-to-day deeply.  I feel it too, and it feels really important, in this moment, to reach out to you and affirm that none of us are alone in this.

In times like these, I can begin to feel isolated, which only increases the heaviness on my heart.  Have you had that experience?  However you are feeling, and however your system is reacting to these times, it is valid, and I am breathing with you in it.

This morning I woke up with such a strong feeling of connection.  Connection to you, to my community, and to my own life pulsing in the deep recesses of my bones.  With this feeling fresh in my mind and body, I remembered that connection is always the medicine to isolation.  I am so grateful to be with you in practice with the system of Reiki that gives us direct access to deep feelings of interconnection, and to a web of life much wider and deeper than the fear of this moment. 

And from the stronger web that we weave together, we have access to greater sense of possibility, and our own capacity to be with difficulty.  As the writer Clarissa Pinkola Estes reminds us, "We were made for these times."  

So, I wanted to reach out this morning and tell you that I am here.  This space is here.  Resources, and comradery, and room to feel all the things are here.  HeartScapes is a space that holds all that we are.  Please never hesitate to reach out when you need connection, it is as simple as replying to this email.

And as I lean into my role in holding space for us in these times, I remember that fear can cause us to miss what is good and thriving.  And so one action I am taking is to increase the ways I am highlighting good work being done in our communities.  The best place I have to do this is through my YouTube channel, and my interview series, Reiki Crossroads & Connections. 

Starting this week, I'm sharing weekly conversations with people who make me feel hopeful for our communities, whose work actively pushes back against the lie that we are alone and helpless in this world.  These conversations buoy my spirit, and I know they will do the same for you.  You can find them over on YouTube, and the latest episode is linked below.  

Would you like to join me for one of these conversations, and share the ways you are increasing goodness in the world?  Please email michaela@heartscapesinsight.com, and I'll follow up with an invitation.

Thank you for being here, for helping to weave a web that can help us all feel more rooted, spacious and connected in the midst of the storm.