Our Focused Mind is a Superpower (Even When Our Mind Struggles to Focus)


Hello, fellow traveler.  I hope your heart is well on this vivid summer's day.  I woke up today feeling distracted, pulled in many directions at once, scattered.  It took me a while to settle; and to be perfectly honest, I'm still not fully there yet.  I'm reminding myself to regard these frustrating moments, when my neuro-spicy brain is hopped up on it's own unique cocktail of distraction, to regard myself and my flighty mind with compassion (And wanted to remind you, too, that when you are faced with an aspect of yourself that you struggle with, to begin on a ground of self-compassion).

I am also reminded that on the flip side of the most challenging aspects of our personality, our minds, our ways of being, we often find our superpowers.  (I had a great time interviewing Alice Rizzi about the superpower of mindfulness, see video link above)

Practicing Reiki from it's origins has helped me deeply see and embody this, to hold the seeming contradiction of loving myself as I am, and also seeing the ways I can leverage those challenges into something powerful, something magical.

My brain is spicy, and flighty, and can move in a hundred directions at once, living much of the time in air or dancing on the fingertips of fire (my astrological chart bares this out, having most of my planets in air and fire signs).  So much of my internal work over the past decade has included coming to understand and deeply appreciate these aspects of myself, to learn to regard them with curiosity and gratitude, rather than with the contempt that our productivity-driven culture taught me.

And, when I am able to find a lightning rod to plant in the ground, gather all that swirling energy nourished by my capacity to daydream, and FOCUS it on something that matters to me....well, those are the times I feel truly alive and capable.  Reiki is such a grounding force, and so is my garden, which is why both are the central focuses of my life and practice.  

Reiki teaches us how to remember the wholeness of our True Self, and then to learn to be true to the ways and being of that Self.  The practices within the system of there to help us teach our mind to focus, using the divers capacities of our body, voice, energy, our relationship to the living world, and of course our mind.

I have come to understand my own unique superpower, brought fully on-line through the linked processes of acceptance (of how I am) and practice (learning to call my attention back into focus when I want to).  

These experiences keep me endlessly curious about the unique blends of Way of Being and Superpower that others possess, and I delight in watching them be revealed when teaching Reiki.  Remembering, and becoming true to, your True Self is but one of the many life-changing outcomes of practicing the system of Reiki for ourselves and for others.  If you feel at all called to explore this path, I have many resources to get you started, and a 9-month program through HeartScapes Reiki Academy to walk through your deep dive into this system.  If you're curious about this path, I would love to share more.  Feel free to schedule a call at the link below. 

And as you're going through your day, I invite you to put on Alice's interview to keep you company, and let me know what this conversation sparks for you in the comments below.