All Reiki Folks Need to Know This (Japanese Imprisonment Day of Remembrance)

As the saying goes, those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.

Today, February 19th, is the Japanese Imprisonment Day of Remembrance, where we in the US acknowledge and seek to repair the deep human rights violations perpetrated by the US government during WWII against US citizens.

As western Reiki folks, this history has everything to do with our Reiki practice, and we need to talk about it. Join me in this conversation about the historic context of Reiki's journey to America, and how we can be in integrity with this history as Reiki people today.

*For the full conversation, join me in this video below:



***I live on traditional Nisenan and Maidu land. This land has a deep history and a community of people who have lived here for thousands of years. I acknowledge this history and contribute to the indigenous community’s current work to create a vibrant future. Find out more here: