“Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.”
A 21-Day Journey of Reiki Immersed in Poetry
Poetry has a special power to touch places inside of us at the intersection of our emotional, mental, physical and spiritual selves. It is perhaps not surprising, then, that so many mystics and spiritual teachers are also poets, or draw on poetry to help guide us to the “islands of certainty in a sea of uncertainty” (Arendt, 1998), to precious moments of shared human experience.
What would it feel like to engage with this art form from the deep, embodied and interconnected space of Reiki practice?
We will explore this question as we open the portal to Spring with a Journey befitting the beauty, vibrance and romance of Spring: Poetry & Practice! Each day we will share a different poem, within a consistent Reiki-based meditation practice. If you like, you will have the opportunity to contribute poems you'd like to meditate with, and we have embedded a shared creative practice into the experience.
Connection to the Traditions of Reiki: At the time when Mikao Usui was developing Reiki, it was a common practice to use Waka poetry, a style popularized in the Meiji era, as a meditation focus. We will honor this tradition by using a Waka poem or two, along with a wide range of poems and poets.
Who is This Journey For?: This experience is for anyone with interest in Reiki, whether or not you have trained in it, or interest in exploring poetry through the lens of spiritual practice.
Seasonal Meditation Journeys: We host a 21-Day Meditation Journey leading up to each Equinox and Solstice. We will open the portal of SPRING together through the immersive, inspiring words of poets from around the world.
Format: Each 30-minute session will include deep creative and meditative engagement with a poem reflecting themes relating to the experience of Reiki, supported by Reiki-based practice. You will have access to recordings of each session and additional materials via a private webpage.
When & How: March 1st -21st, daily from 12:30 - 1:00 Pacific Time. Once registered, you are welcome to drop in to as many of these sessions as you like. We’ll gather over Zoom, link provided upon registration
Investment: There are two ways to participate: As part of the HeartScapes Community of Practice subscription, or a stand-alone class:
Stand-Alone Class: Offered on a sliding scale of $55 - $75. The actual price is $65 for all 21 days. Select a discounted ticket if the full price is a hardship for you. Select a Pay-it-Forward price to sponsor a discounted ticket for others.
Community of Practice: Each seasonal 21-Day Mantra Journey is included in our HeartScapes Community of Practice subscription at the $20 level (sliding scale from $20 - $50 per month). Anyone with Reiki training from any lineage is welcome to join the Community of Practice. Learn more about the Community of Practice and the sliding scale subscription options here. NOTE: To choose this option, please register for your preferred subscription level (minimum $20/month) here, and then use the promo code SUBSCRIPTION to register for this class for free.
Feel free to reach out with questions to michaela@heartscapesinsight.com