“Through such practices, the innate healing powers inherent in the basic nature of all sentient beings can be uncovered and accessed.”
Join HeartScapes for our seasonal 21-Day Meditation Journey!
Imagine collaborating with the natural world using the energy of your breath, vibrant visualizations of your mind and gestures of your body, to call forward your full capacity to experience Life and healing as we were designed to do.
This is the magic that these practices, engaged consistently over time, offers us.
Engaging nature and the Web of Life directly through meditation and breath work is an essential element of the system of Reiki, and is deeply embedded in the Japanese Buddhist and Shinto roots of the system. On this journey we’ll honor these roots with a deeply embodied experience of daily practice.
Seasonal Meditation Journeys: We host a 21-Day Meditation Journey leading up to each Equinox and Solstice. We will open the portal of SPRING together under the tender and cleansing embrace of the One Breath Meditation.
About One Breath Meditation: Drawing on the foundational breath practice of the system of Reiki, I designed this meditation to bring us into direct collaboration with the Web of Life, through our relationship with the plants and trees around us. This meditation has three core components, which we will develop over the course of these 21 days. We will follow what the group discovers about our relationship with Life, growing and deepening the practice in accordance with the places we are led.
This will be a fluid, creative, and responsive experience of creating micro-ritual in community over time. I am so excited to journey in it with you.
Format: Each 30-minute session will include 15-20 minutes of guided meditation, utilizing breath, visualizations and gesture, interwoven with brief teachings about this practice.
When & How:
March 1st - 21st, daily from 12:00 - 12:30 Pacific Time.
You are welcome to drop in to as many of these sessions as you like.
Recordings of all sessions will be provided so that you can join live or on your own time.
We’ll gather over Zoom, link provided upon registration
Investment: Offered on a sliding scale of $55 - $75. The actual price is $65 for all 21 days. Select a discounted ticket if the full price is a hardship for you. Select the Pay-it-Forward price to sponsor a scholarship.
Feel free to reach out with questions to michaela@heartscapesinsight.com