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Shoden: Reiki First Degree

Reiki was the missing piece that connected my ability to be in tune with my energy and a better understanding of how it works in my daily life, and then with my family and life as a whole.
— Jewel, HeartScapes Reiki Senior Student

Reiki is a gentle and powerful balm for the mind, body and spirit. Stepping into the practice of Reiki for one's self and others puts this healing balm in your hands at any time, and for your whole lifetime. It can, if you choose to follow it further, open up pathways to deeper levels of spiritual exploration (See below for more info on Reiki and my practice).

In this Shoden Reiki 1 (first degree) training you will receive all that you need to develop a vibrant and fulfilling Reiki practice for treating yourself and others. It provides a direct experience to begin unraveling the mystery of your own True Self. This training will be deeply experiential, intuitive and embodiment-based. Our teaching draws heavily on the deep roots of Reiki in Japanese Buddhism. You will emerge from it as a certified Reiki I Practitioner.

In this training you'll receive:

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  • Hands-on, embodiment-based experiences of sensing and engaging energy

  • Intimate experience of Reiki self-treatments in a deeply relaxing meditative practice, taught extensively from the perspectives of the Japanese origins.

  • The initiations, protocols and hands-on practice for offering full Reiki treatments to others. Grounding in the principles and practice of Reiki.

  • Exploration of the double-cloaked history of Reiki, its fascinating, unlikely pathway from Japan to the West, and its relevance to a vibrant modern Reiki practice.

  • Certification as a Reiki I Practitioner.

After training, students receive these on-going opportunities:

  • Monthly Practitioner Group: Gatherings that support your personal practice, and service opportunities to bring Reiki to the larger community.

  • Re-immersion (review trainings): Students are always welcome to review a training when space in the class permits, and deepen their experience. Re-immersions are offered on an optional donation basis. Donations are added to our scholarship fund.

  • Treatments: All students are offered one free Reiki session with Michaela upcn completion of the class. Additionally, when class size permits, students may attend the treatment portion of a class and give/receive sessions at no charge.

Class Structure

Our Reiki certification classes are taught in 8-week sessions, 2 hours per week. This structure offers the spaciousness necessary to deeply engage with the five elements of the system of Reiki, and gradually integrate them into your life.

All classes can be attended either on-line or in person at our Davis, CA studio. See links below to learn more about each of the three certification levels, and to find upcoming classes.


Reiki Shoden is offered at a sliding scale. The actual cost of the class is $265, which includes 3 months of free membership in our Community of Practice.  Tickets listed below that price are discounted and are limited. Select a discounted ticket if paying the full price would represent a hardship for you. Looking for a structured journey through all three Reiki classes? Read on…

HeartScapes Reiki Academy

Seeking a deeper dive into all three levels of the system? Then our year-long HeartScapes Reiki Academy may be perfect for you. During this journey, you will attend all three certification classes in 8-week sessions with several weeks in between to integrate the material. You will be supported to deepen your learning through one-on-one sessions, special topics classes, and community ritual. A full description of this program is coming soon. In the meantime, if you’d like to learn more schedule a call with me below.

What You’ll Experience Working With Us

Our approach to teaching Reiki is deeply experiential, intuitiveembodiment-based, and rooted in the Japanese origins of this practice.   The history of Reiki is steeped in mystery, as it's true meaning and purpose were cloaked at its creation, and then cloaked again during its fascinating and unlikely pathway to the West.  We honor and explore this twice-cloaked history, believing that the deep potential of this healing art can only be realized when its true purpose is known and honored.  Our teaching draws heavily on the deep roots of Reiki in Japanese Buddhism, Shintoism, and martial arts systems, and provide a solid grounding and certification for practicing the system of Reiki for self and others. 

Reiki classes can be taken one of two ways:

  • Public Classes: Through one of our regularly scheduled public classes (see here for upcoming dates),

  • Private Classes: Or scheduled privately for one or more people. A private class is particularly valuable for an individual who wishes a customized experience, or for a small group who wish to experience the training intimately together. We’ve crafted customized Reiki class experiences for pairs of sisters, groups of friends, and colleagues in a work setting. These experiences are delightful in the unique and intimate spaces co-created with such groups. NOTE: The cost of a private class is the same as public classes when a group of 3 or more people schedule together. For individuals or pairs of people, there is a $50 custom fee added to the class price.

Have questions? Intrigued about Reiki trainings and want to learn more to help you decide if it’s right for you? Let’s connect: