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Souls On Deck: A SoulCollage & Reiki Journey Through the Waters of Our Resilience

  • HeartScapes 1738 Pomona Dr. Davis United States (map)
One of the most calming and powerful actions you can do to intervene in a stormy world is to stand up and show your soul. Soul on deck shines like gold in dark times.
— Clarissa Pinkola Estes, "You Were Made for These Times"

Do you find yourself longing for greater resilience and clarity during these times of disruption?

SoulCollage® card: “Navigator”

The systems of SoulCollage® (intuitive collage) and Reiki (meditation-based energy healing) may seem like very different practices. But they share an important outcome, different paths to the same destination:

Healing as remembering the wholeness of our True Self, integrating all parts of ourselves for stronger resilience, greater clarity, and deeper intuition.

These are the qualities we need to bring forward in these confusing, chaotic times, so that we can:

  • Identify, connect with and shift the parts of ourselves that are afraid, activated or immobilized in the face of the uncertainties ;

  • Build resilience and grounded calm as we move through the challenges and opportunities present in these times;

  • Develop an inner compass for clarity on the direction we are called in caring for ourselves and our communities day to day.

Let’s journey together through the landscape of our resilience and intuition, with SoulCollage and Reiki as our guides

(You do not need to have experience with either to participate. Learn about SoulCollage here, and Reiki here).

In this 5-week journey we will:

SoulCollage® card: “Whole Brain”

  • Learn a powerful and simple map of our internal energy system, the foundation of the system of Reiki from its Japanese origins, and practices to nurture and strengthen our internal energy;

  • Create SoulCollage cards to help us give a voice to the wisdom of our embodied energy system to nurture resilience and intuition;

  • Develop the capacity to feel: Grounded and resilient; Mentally spacious and open to possibility; and Courageously connected to intuition, ourselves, others and the world, even when under great stress.

You Will Receive:

  • Participation in five 3-hour online classes with Michaela Daystar, SoulCollage® Facilitator & Reiki teacher.

  • Guidance in Reiki-based practices, embodiment practices, and SoulCollage® card making around our themes of Rooted Resilience, Spacious Clarity & Connected Intuition

  • Journal prompts and suggested activities to integrate the material in the time between classes, available in our Thinkifc online classroom

  • Access to the recordings of all 5 classes in case you can’t join us in person, as well as all materials in our Thinkific online classroom

  • A strong container of support and highly skilled facilitation, and email support from Michaela to answer any questions you may have in between classes.

The Details:

Format: Classes will be held live on Zoom, and recorded.  Recordings, Zoom link and all materials will be housed in our Thinkific classroom, accessible to you once you register.  Zoom link will also be emailed for convenience.

All five classes will last 3 hours to account for card-making time Check your time zone here.

  • Saturday, June 14:  Orientation to the Journey: Calibrating our Compass

  • Saturday, June 21:  Rooted in Our Resilience

  • Saturday, June 28:  Spacious Mind, Open Possibilities, Clear Decisions

  • Saturday, July 5:  Courageous, Compassionate Connection & Deep Intuition

  • Saturday, July 12:  Arriving at Our Center & Being Welcomed Home to Ourselves

What to Bring:

SoulCollage® card: “Held on a Rooted Foundation”

  • SoulCollage® card-making supplies

    • 5x8” matte board (found here) or card stock

    • (Optional) Clear plastic card protector sleeves (found here)

    • Old magazines, or other source of found images on paper

    • Scissors, glue stick (like Elmers Glue Stick, or scrapbook glue. Not liquid glue), (optional) exacto knife

  • Journal


  • Full investment: $270.

  • Kindred Spirits discounted investment: $189**

  • Job Loss Scholarship: Pay-what-you-can scholarship for anyone who has had a job-loss in your household due to recent federal cuts. To claim this option, please email me for instructions at

**This class is offered in collaboration with the KaleidoSoul SoulCollage membership community, Kindred Spirits. Members receive 30% off of this class, along with free and discounted access to a wealth of SoulCollage classes, experiences and communities. If you want more SoulCollage goodness in your life, join Kindred Spirits here, then find this class in their events to register with the discount! Your savings on this class will more than pay for the membership :)

What it Comes Down To:

SoulCollage® card: “Held in Community”

Each of us has contribution a to make in directing the way that change manifests in our lives.  YOU have something precious and necessary to contribute to your life, family, community and/or the world. 

Remaining engaged can feel daunting, exhausting and lonely, especially during difficult times such as these, when there are a thousand things poised to break our hearts at any moment!

And it also feels exhilarating, liberating and joyful, to remain connected and offer the best of ourselves in troubled times. SoulCollage, Reiki & connected community can show us the way.