“Once up on a time not so long ago, elderberries were held in extremely high esteem by humans. Elderberry trees feds us. They got us drunk, provided medicine, and protected us from witches.”
Elderberry trees, originating in North Africa and European regions from Scandinavia to Greece and Portugal, have long captured the world's imagination. Elder has deep mythological roots in many cultures as a plant of both magical protection and affliction, governed by the faery woman Elder Tree Mother.
Along side the mythology, Elder holds a wide range of uses within the folk medicine and culinary traditions of many cultures. While Elder is no longer seen as a panacea, able to treat all illnesses, as it once was, modern medical research has documented important health benefits of Elder, including immune system support and reduction of symptoms related to common colds and flu.
Here in the Sacramento Valley region, Elderberry trees grow abundantly, and is the host plant for the Valley Elderberry Longhorn Beetle, an insect species federally listed as threatened and protected by the Endangered Species Act. So it benefits not only us medicinally, culinarily and historically to grow this amazing plant, but benefits our environment as well. Let’s learn more!
In this workshop you will:
Meet and connect with this venerable plant directly in the Elderberry Cave here at the homestead,
Make and take home several elderberry and elderflower recipes, which will include some of the following: Elderberry syrup, gummies, chutney, fire cider, Elderflower cordial, and tea blend.
Chat about the history and mythology of this amazing tress, while snacking on elderberry goodies
Receive a packet of recipes for everything we make, and several others.
Investment: The $35 fee will cover all ingredients and materials