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Resilience Support for Birth Workers, Through Reiki

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This past year has been a challenging one for everyone, and the community of birth workers has faced specific uncertainty and difficulty, as hospitals reduced access to those assisting birth and social distancing needs come into conflict with the intimate and in-person nature of pre- and post-birth care. In talking with beloved colleagues over these long months, it is clear the ways these strange times have made an already intense line of work even more challenging.

Birth workers are dear to my heart. In gratitude for the work you do, I want to support you in this.

This free offering is for birth workers (doulas, midwives, lactation coaches, etc.) seeking practices that can substantially support your grounded well- being in this challenging profession. Practices that are effective and yet also simple and easy to access on the job. My intention is to support you as you do the critical work of supporting birth and birthing families.

In this offering you will:

  • Learn a simple, elegant and highly effective practice, from the foundations of the Japanese meditation system of Reiki, to help you build resilience to stress and easily nurture and refuel yourself in any moment.

  • Learn to apply this practice in order to maintain calm connection with your clients in the midst of all that arises in this work.

  • Receive a video of this practice to support you in continuing to work with it, and to share as a resource with clients.

  • Receive a distance Reiki session custom tailored for those of you who are gathered.

  • Receive information on upcoming opportunities to share this work with other colleagues and clients.

This session will be held over Zoom, and the link will be sent to you upon registration. After registering you’ll receive updates from HeartScapes via email, which you can unsubscribe to any time. Questions? Feel free to reach out to: