“Through such practices, the innate healing powers inherent in the basic nature of all sentient beings can be uncovered and accessed.”
Join HeartScapes for our seasonal 21-Day Mantra Journey!
Imagine integrating the energy of your voice with vibrant visualizations of the mind and gestures of the body, to call forward your full capacity to experience Life and healing as we were designed to do. This is the magic that chanting mantra, consistently over time, offers us.
Mantra is an essential element of the system of Reiki, and is deeply embedded in the Japanese Buddhist and Shinto roots of the system.
Seasonal Mantra Journeys: At HeartScapes, we host a 21-Day Practice Journey each season leading up to each Equinox and Solstice. We will open the portal of Fall together under the nurturing nectar of the Medicine Buddha. In the 21 days leading up to the Fall Equinox on September 21st, we’ll gather to learn and work with the soothing mantra and vibrant visualizations associated with this aspect of Buddha as Spiritual Healer.
And this journey is not just for ourselves. For within this tradition, our personal practice is seen as interconnected with the world, the healing we bring ourselves represents and is in service of the contribution we are meant to make within our communities, and the world. Thus we will explore and apply the Buddhist practice of dedicating the merit of our daily Medicine Buddha mantra practice to others. In this way, these 21 Days will become a form of joyful service we undertake together.
Format: Each 30-minute session will include 10-20 minutes of chanting the Medicine Buddha mantra and working with the visualization, interwoven with brief teachings about this mantra from our on-going studies.
When & How: September 1st -21st, daily from 12:00 - 12:30 Pacific Time. Once registered, you are welcome to drop in to as many of these sessions as you like. Recordings of all sessions will be provided so that you can join live or on your own time. We’ll gather over Zoom, link provided upon registration
Investment: Offered on a sliding scale of $55 - $75. The actual price is $65 for all 21 days. Select a discounted ticket if the full price is a hardship for you. Select a Pay-it-Forward price to sponsor a discounted ticket for others.
Feel free to reach out with questions to michaela@heartscapesinsight.com