Join us for HeartScapes’ free monthly on-line class!
April’s Theme: "It's Time to Clear Out the Bullshit"
Here’s why….
Yep, I said it. Well, actually, a student of mine said it:
“It’s time to clear out the bullshit that’s been keeping me stuck for so long,” she said. “It’s time to address the needs of my inner child, to draw that little one out, learn what she needs, and finally address it.”
The system of Reiki can help us get there…
It was a powerful declaration of her intention to face her old wounds, and to heal them.
And it also highlighted an essential value of the system of Reiki, practiced from it’s Japanese origins: The focus on clearing away the hurts, distractions and detritus of our lives—the “bullshit,” if you will—in order to reveal our whole, healed, True Self.
In this 60-minute gathering, we’ll explore these concepts, and learn the foundational practice of the system of Reiki that gets us started on this journey.
SCHEDULE & Logistics:
Registration: These monthly classes are a free gift to the community, and you must register to attend. Once you’ve registered, the Zoom links and other updates will be emailed to you, and the recording shared afterward.
Days / Times: HeartScapes-’ Free Community Class is normally held the first Wednesday of every month from 10:00am - 11:00am or 11:30am Pacific Time.
Format: We meet live and virtually over Zoom. Sessions will be recorded and made available to those who are registered, and shared on my YouTube channel. Participant's screens will not be shown in recording.