Join us for HeartScapes’ free monthly on-line class!
November’s Theme:
SoulCollage: SoulCollage®: Intuition & Imagination Guiding Us Home to Ourself
Here’s why….
The system of Reiki offers us a pathway to remember the wholeness of our True Self, through practices of the body, mind and voice. SoulCollage®, an intuitive collage process developed by Dr. Seena Frost, helps us walk this path back to the Self through intuition, imagination and images. The two systems complement each other beautifully, which is why they have been the two pillars of HeartScapes from the beginning.
And while I’ve spent the past 3 years focused on the Reiki pillar of HeartScapes, I’m feeling called back to SoulCollage® as the important other half of this work.
Let’s Explore it Together…
In this 60-minute gathering, we’ll dip our toes into the SoulCollage® process, as an elegant, effective and delightful pathway into experiences of self-knowledge.
This free class also serves as an introduction to two exciting upcoming special events.
NOTE: Bring with you a magazine, picture book or other source of found images.
SCHEDULE & Logistics:
Registration: These monthly classes are a free gift to the community, and you must register to attend. Once you’ve registered, the Zoom links and other updates will be emailed to you, and the recording shared afterward.
Days / Times: HeartScapes-’ Free Community Class is normally held the first Wednesday of every month from 10:00am - 11:00am or 11:30am Pacific Time.
Format: We meet live and virtually over Zoom. Sessions will be recorded and made available to those who are registered, and shared on my YouTube channel. Participant's screens will not be shown in recording.