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"But What Do I Do With All This Anger?" Reiki Replies...

Join us for HeartScapes’ free monthly on-line class!

August’s Theme: “But What Do I Do With All This Anger?” Reiki Replies...

Here’s why….

Our way out of anger is to ask, ‘What is the hurt that has caused our anger, what is the fear that we have?’ Psychologists often call anger a secondary emotion, because it comes as a defense to feeling threatened. When we acknowledge and express the fear—how we are feeling threatened—then we are often able to soothe the anger.
— Douglas Abrams, The Book of Joy

Feelings of anger often get labeled as a “bad” place to be on the emotional scale. We fear expressions of anger within ourselves and others, often attempting to repress such feelings, and encouraging others to do the same. Or perhaps we too often turn ourselves over to our anger, giving in to the emotional release of an angry outburst.

And yet….

When we repress our anger, unable to give it expression, it can fester inside of us, causing physical and emotional dis-ease to develop.* And when give ourselves over to it, get swept up inside of it, the full force of it can cause harm to ourselves and our relationships. Inside of both of these extremes, we often fail to receive the valuable information our anger is there to reveal, and miss the opportunity to understand the feelings that lie beneath it.

Our anger is not the problem or the enemy. Our clinging attachment to our anger is. Luckily, there is a way to release that attachment, unlock the gifts of our anger, and then release it before it can cause harm.

The system of Reiki can help us get there…

The system of Reiki offers practices designed to loosen our attachment to our powerful feelings, so that we can be in right relationship with them.

In this 60-minute gathering, we’ll explore Reiki as a powerful structure for releasing attachment to anger, making more room inside for processing the intensity of our feelings so that we can understand and transform them.

*NOTE: We sometimes repress our anger as a survival response to traumatic experiences, building up quite a bit of unexpressed anger inside. Tapping into this well of anger and working it through our system can be delicate work, best led by a mental health professional. While the practices presented in this class are designed to work with mild, surface-level anger, if you feel concerned that strong, unmanageable feelings may arise for you, this topic may be one to skip unless you have the support of a therapist. Practicing the system of Reiki can be a valuable and powerful addition to trauma treatment, along side skilled mental health support. Reiki is not itself a trauma treatment strategy.

SCHEDULE & Logistics:

Registration: These monthly classes are a free gift to the community, and you must register to attend. Once you’ve registered, the Zoom links and other updates will be emailed to you, and the recording shared afterward.


Days / Times: HeartScapes-’ Free Community Class is normally held the first Wednesday of every month from 10:00am - 11:00am or 11:30am Pacific Time.

Format: We meet live and virtually over Zoom. Sessions will be recorded and made available to those who are registered.