Join us for HeartScapes’ free monthly on-line class!
February’s Theme: Touch Deprivation, Self-Love & Reiki
Here’s why….
“Humans are neurologically wired for touch receptivity. Social touch is a common and mutual way of expressing affection, belonging, care, and intimacy. These forms of touch are necessary for social and cognitive development throughout life—and not just for humans, but across species.”
Touch is a human need. From our first day to our last on this earth, we crave a wide range of touch in the same way that we crave food, water and oxygen. Touch stimulates the release of oxytocin in our body, which induces feelings of happiness and connection, and stimulates our rest and digest cycle. Touch also generates feelings of security, safety, intimacy and social meaning, helping us to feel belonging within our families and communities.
Touch deprivation, or “skin starvation”, over long periods of time can have many negative impacts on our bodies, minds, and spirits, including depression and lack of energy in adults, and failure to thrive and grow when encountered in infancy (see Stanford study here). Many life circumstances can bring about periods of touch deprivation: Losing a partner, moving to a strange place, or long periods of isolation as we all experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic.
We can protect ourselves from these impacts by including touch in our routines around health, wellness, and self-care.
The system of Reiki can help us get there…
It is no wonder, then, that touch is an important element of many therapeutic, celebration and spiritual traditions the world over. Within the system of Reiki from its Japanese origins, touch is one of five elements that make up the system. And while no element is more important than any other, the wide-ranging healing benefits of touch are so important to us that Tenohira (“palm healing” in Japanese) has become the central element in western Reiki forms.
In this 60-minute gathering, we’ll explore the tenohira as a powerful self-care practice. We’ll look at the ways in which mindful application of self-touch through Reiki-based meditation can support our balanced, integrated, system, and ward off skin starvation during times in our lives when we may be distant from others.
This is a vulnerable topic, which will be held with respect, compassion and tenderness.
SCHEDULE & Logistics:
Registration: These monthly classes are a free gift to the community, and you must register to attend. Once you’ve registered, the Zoom links and other updates will be emailed to you, and the recording shared afterward.
Days / Times: HeartScapes-’ Free Community Class is normally held the first Wednesday of every month from 10:00am - 11:00am or 11:30am Pacific Time.
Format: We meet live and virtually over Zoom. Sessions will be recorded and made available to those who are registered.