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Healing Nature Deficit Disorder With Reiki

Join us for HeartScapes’ free monthly on-line class!

May’s Theme: Healing Nature Deficit Disorder Through Reiki

Here’s why….

‘Nature-deficit disorder’ is not a medical diagnosis, but a useful term—a metaphor—to describe what many of us believe are the human costs of alienation from nature: diminished use of the senses, attention difficulties, higher rates of physical and emotional illnesses, a rising rate of myopia, child and adult obesity, Vitamin D deficiency, and other maladies.
— Richard Louv, author of "Last Child in the Woods"

The wide-spread disconnection from nature that is experienced by so many people is causing illness of the body, mind, heart and soul. As communities and individuals, we need consistent methods for addressing this dis-ease, and reconnect with nature, even when loosing ourselves in the woods is not an option.

The system of Reiki can help us get there…

In this 60-minute gathering, we’ll explore how the five elements of the system of Reiki provide a powerful structure for both treating the negative impacts of disconnection from Nature, and for facilitating powerful re-connection with Nature.

You will learn a breath-based meditation, drawn from the origins of the system of Reiki, that explicitly reconnect us physically and spiritually with the natural world, within us and around us.

SCHEDULE & Logistics:

Registration: These monthly classes are a free gift to the community, and you must register to attend. Once you’ve registered, the Zoom links and other updates will be emailed to you, and the recording shared afterward.


Days / Times: HeartScapes-’ Free Community Class is normally held the first Wednesday of every month from 10:00am - 11:00am or 11:30am Pacific Time.

Format: We meet live and virtually over Zoom. Sessions will be recorded and made available to those who are registered.